Monday, 30 July 2012

100% Remy Human hair Extensions

Remy, or remi, is actually an industry term that has a very specific meaning. On an untreated human head, all the hair grows one direction – outward. This means that if you’re wearing a ponytail, all your hair is going the same way. However, not all hair extension strands are like ponytails – sometimes, half of the hairs are backwards! You know how sliding your hand down your ponytail is nice and smooth? Non-remy hair extensions won’t be smooth – they’ll catch and pull on your hand, and they may even fall out of the hair extension strand easier. That’s definitely not hot!

You can trust that Wondepot hair extensions are 100% human hair. This means that there’s absolutely no plastic or synthetic material in your hair extensions! Plastic and synthetic materials are terrible for hair extensions, because they can’t be styled and tend to look obviously artificial. Just think of what your high-heat straightener would do to a doll’s hair! Of course, to keep your hair extensions looking their best, you shouldn’t style with a lot of high heat more than a few times a week, but your hair extensions will definitely hold up. Ask your stylist to recommend a heat protectant spray for your extensions!

Wondepot Remy human hair extensions are the highest quality hair extensions on the market, because the hairs are strong and lasting while silky and smooth at the same time! Don’t believe me? Try some hair extensions for yourself!

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