Thursday, 6 September 2012

Risks Of Wearing Clip-In Extensions

Clip-in hair extensions are the safest and the most secure method to enhance your hair with
volume and length without damaging your real hair.  But you still have to be careful
whenever you attach something to your hair that your hair can support the added weight
without damaging your hair and scalp areas.
If you have naturally thin hair it is always recommended to add as little weight as
possible. The longer the hair extensions are, the more they weigh. For ladies who have
naturally thin soft hair with a lack of volume, the health of the scalp follicles has to
be a priority. So for regular or everyday clip-in hairstyles, it is recommended to choose
a length not longer than 6” over your own hair.  Even with this shorter length, if you
still feel the clips pulling your hair or scratching your scalp, immediately re-clip it
to avoid discomfort, which will usually result in a headache if not corrected. When you
are removing your clip-in extensions, always be sure that all the clips are open
completely, and take off each weft one at a time starting from the top and working your way to the bottom.

 Always remember that health comes before beauty, so if you have thinning hair or
suffering from hair loss, use your common sense and don't try to solve the problem with
hair enchantments, but see a doctor first.  Unfortunately, we can’t get rejuvenated
longer hair in a short period of time, so a proper hair care routine is a constant must
do. Here are additional tips on how to make your scalp and hair healthier: Healthy Scalp
Leads to Beautiful Hair

Tuesday, 4 September 2012

Remy Indian Hair Extensions

Having longer hair, more volume, or simply satisfy an urge to change heads, there are
many reasons to justify the adoption of hair extensions.Human hair extensions are declined in
all shapes, all colors, all lengths and all prices. Often sparing the purse at the  expense
of quality, attractive offers from some shows.

The extensions made of human hair come mostly from India. The Hindu tradition is that
women cut their hair tied in a braid at their wedding, to mark the beginning of a new 
stage in their life, or when appearing before a deity of the temple, in order to formulate
a special prayer.

India raises each year more than 125 million euros thanks to the hair industry. In
addition to having a structure similar to that of European hair, Indian hair is in very
good condition, since Hindu women almost never use chemicals to treat them.
 The natural, yet the best solution

Think twice before you go to ask for remy human hairextensions. If the result can actually
impress you  the first few hours, it is not clear that this enthusiasm continues. Living in four
months with the hair of someone else at his own hair transplant is not given to everyone.
Discomfort during the night when your head  will be supported during eight hours of time
on your pillow is a consideration, as are precautions to take when you wash it, comb and
dry hair.

Monday, 3 September 2012

Hair Extensions Will Feel in Your Hair

A frequently asked question when considering human hair extensions is how they will feel in
your hair. While there may be preconceived notions that hair extensions may not feel
comfortable, this is not true. After a while you will find yourself forgetting that you
even have them in your hair.

Hair extensions are expertly matched to your hair type and color and are applied so that
you won’t see any ridges or kinks where the hair extensions attach to your own hair.
Your hair extensions should not look or feel any different from your natural hair. Also,
no one will be able to tell you have hair extensions because they look almost identical
to your own hair.

You also may be worried that hair extensions will make your hair feel heavier. However,
your new hair extensions will just take some getting used to. After your hair extensions
are attached they may feel heavier at first, but that is only because you have more hair
than you used to have. Especially if you have very short hair, putting in long hair
extensions certainly will certainly be a change for you but soon enough you won’t even
notice the difference once you get used to having additional hair.

The most important factor in regards to having hair extensions is making the decision as
to what kind of hair extensions you desire to have in your hair. Discussing your thoughts
with a hairdresser, stylist.

Friday, 31 August 2012

Add Hair Length By Hair Extensions

 Human Hair Extensions come in two different styles. There is the strand and there is the
weft. The strands are supposed to look the most natural, but they are much more time
consuming and if you are having it done at a salon, they will be more expensive, too.
Wefts are wider strips of hair and as such, are easier to attach. Hair extensions
come in all the colors of natural hair, though some colors are more plentiful than
others. The handmade type of weft is best.

The wefts you choose should be made of the best quality of hair you can afford. If
you want to look your best, do not use synthetic hair. The “European” hair is good
quality but virgin or “raw” hair is even better because it has never been subjected
to chemical processing. Virgin hair is also the most expensive as it is harder to find.

Hair Wefts are put in by lifting up the top layers of your hair and braiding cornrows in
horizontal lines around your head. The wefts are then woven into the cornrows. When
you pull your natural hair back down over it, you should not be able to tell the
difference between your hair and the hair extensions.

If you are going for an exceptionally long-haired look, you will need more corn rows
and more wefts. If all you need is to add some volume, you will only need a few.
Regardless of how many are used, the size of the corn rows and wefts should vary some
as does the natural way in which your hair grows.

When the job is finished, you can comb your hair over the extensions and consider
your new extensions as part of your natural head of hair. This includes taking care
of the extensions as carefully as you would your own hair.

Thursday, 30 August 2012

Hair Extensions – A Way to Grow Hair Quickly

Have you always wanted to have beautiful long hair but it seemed like you just can’t grow them long enough or take appropriate care? Hair extensions can help you in this matter and grow your hair immediately in the style of your liking. Those hairs can either be made from real human hair or from synthetic materials and are used to prolong or thicken the existing hairs we have. This is a simple and effective way to integrate the latest hair style that is currently in fashion trend. They can instantaneously add the volume or length to your real hair and give your haircut an entirely new appearance.

You simply need to experiment on your own and see what fits you best. Be careful about your decisions and how far you are willing to take the new style of your haircut. Extensions made of real hair require more work to put together so they also sell at higher price. Paying a lot of money only to realize that your decision on hair extensions was somewhat erroneous can put you in a bad mood, because there is no money-back for this type of procedure. Things like that rarely happen though and people usually end up very pleased with their new hairstyle.
Why would you undergo this procedure anyway? Reasons differ from person to person, but mainly adding a volume, length or a whole new shine to your hair is amongst main reasons why hair extensions are considered. On the other hand, some will extend their hair simply to cover up really bad haircut. Before the introduction of this amazing idea, there was no way to deal with your bad hair other than wearing a hat or wearing your hair the way they were. There are also situations when you would want hair extensions made only for special occasions like a prom or a wedding.
Like with anything else, you should take great care with your new hairs and nurture them appropriately. With gentle and regular care, your hair extensions will last from two to four months and sometimes even longer.

Wednesday, 29 August 2012

Beautiful Hairstyles With Hair Extensions

Long, silky, healthy hair can radiate beauty, fitness and youth. A change of hairstyle is often enough to make you look more sophisticated, younger or simply different.

Hair extensions are becoming an increasingly popular way of instantly getting that long beautiful hair some of us can only dream of! Growing your hair long takes 5-6 years at an average of 1 cm per month! Hair extensions can give you around 21 inches of thick hair in just a few hours!

Real human hair extension
Human hair extensions tend to be the preferred kind of hair extensions because they look and feel a lot more natural then the synthetic kind. Also, heat cannot be applied to most synthetic fibers causing some inconvenience if a person needs to use some hair appliances. The downside of human hair extensions is that are usually much more expensive then the synthetic ones! Notwithstanding, there is no fixed price for human hair extensions because this differs according to the quality, style and length of extensions required. Hair extensions that are untreated and uncolored usually cost more because they are more durable.

Beautiful Hairstyles With Hair Extensions

Long, silky, healthy hair can radiate beauty, fitness and youth. A change of hairstyle is often enough to make you look more sophisticated, younger or simply different.

Hair extensions are becoming an increasingly popular way of instantly getting that long beautiful hair some of us can only dream of! Growing your hair long takes 5-6 years at an average of 1 cm per month! Hair extensions can give you around 21 inches of thick hair in just a few hours!
Real human hair extension
Human hair extensions tend to be the preferred kind of hair extensions because they look and feel a lot more natural then the synthetic kind. Also, heat cannot be applied to most synthetic fibers causing some inconvenience if a person needs to use some hair appliances. The downside of human hair extensions is that are usually much more expensive then the synthetic ones! Notwithstanding, there is no fixed price for human hair extensions because this differs according to the quality, style and length of extensions required. Hair extensions that are untreated and uncolored usually cost more because they are more durable.

Tuesday, 31 July 2012

What Will the Human Hair Extensions Benefit You

The human hair extensions provide common people a way out to change their physical
aspect. Human hair extension have long been used by Hollywood’ stars and is being
kept as a secret to the rest of world for a long time. Nowdays, normal people have
the possibility to change their appearance by applying human hair extension which
enables women of all ages to change their hairstyles instantly.
 Here are some advantages of human hair extensions.
 Its varieties in colors and sizes:
 Human hair extensions are fashioned into many styles and colors. Curly, wavy, long
straight, and short, all of them are available to you. You can also be free to choose
its color, ranging from black, red to mixed color. Its sizes are also various. Some
of them may be attached directly on the person’s hair with the help of a hot iron;
some can be weaved to your real hair while others are designed to be clipped in to
your natural hair.

 Meeting your current needs:
 When you read magazines and newspapers, you can see a lot of women with different
hairstyles, long wavy, long curly or long straight one. There seems to be one thing
in common as far as hair cut styles take into consideration. They all wear long
hairstyles, because long hairstyles can be easily fashioned into any style you like.
In the case you want to change your style into a long one, but you do not have long
hair, what are you supposed to do. Go for human hair extensions. If not, you will
wait for two years to have that look if you have is at ear level, since human hair
grows about 1/2 per day. With the help of human hair extensions, you can fulfill your
needs quickly.

Monday, 30 July 2012

100% Remy Human hair Extensions

Remy, or remi, is actually an industry term that has a very specific meaning. On an untreated human head, all the hair grows one direction – outward. This means that if you’re wearing a ponytail, all your hair is going the same way. However, not all hair extension strands are like ponytails – sometimes, half of the hairs are backwards! You know how sliding your hand down your ponytail is nice and smooth? Non-remy hair extensions won’t be smooth – they’ll catch and pull on your hand, and they may even fall out of the hair extension strand easier. That’s definitely not hot!

You can trust that Wondepot hair extensions are 100% human hair. This means that there’s absolutely no plastic or synthetic material in your hair extensions! Plastic and synthetic materials are terrible for hair extensions, because they can’t be styled and tend to look obviously artificial. Just think of what your high-heat straightener would do to a doll’s hair! Of course, to keep your hair extensions looking their best, you shouldn’t style with a lot of high heat more than a few times a week, but your hair extensions will definitely hold up. Ask your stylist to recommend a heat protectant spray for your extensions!

Wondepot Remy human hair extensions are the highest quality hair extensions on the market, because the hairs are strong and lasting while silky and smooth at the same time! Don’t believe me? Try some hair extensions for yourself!

Steps to Curl Your Hair Extensions

1.  Work with your hair extensions one weft at a time.  Lay the hair extension on a flat surface and brush gently removing any tangles from the bottom to the top.
For your convenience you can clip the weft to a piece of cardboard so it stays firmly in place while you style the hair.
2.  Spray the weft lightly with lukewarm water, and then brush through the hair with an electric bristle brush on a heat level less than 360F to make them perfectly straight.
3. When hair extensions are straightened you can start curling them with a curler preheated up to 330F; hold the curling iron in place for about 20 to 30 seconds, then gently release the hair.
4.  Let the curled hair lay on a flat surface to cool down. This way the curls will hold longer when the mono-fiber reaches room temperature.

Monday, 23 July 2012

Different Occasion,Different Hair Extensions

Nobody will refuse to apply a certain color when you can have that look without worrying about damaging your hair or the color. The occasions are various, going to a party, wedding, prom, or just want to add a new look it can be great. You can check some smart ideas below.
One Color or Multi Colors Ponytail
Ponytail can be one of the most popular hairstyle choices for most of us. But if you have a stubby ponytail where small pieces of hair poke out, adding hair extensions is certainly a good idea. It’s also creative to add multiple highlights. It will make the style fuller or cover up split ends.

Hot Single Strands Of Color
For a special occasion or maybe even a football game you might want to add one blue strand, hot pink, or yellow to support your team! That can be excited to buy a real or fake clip on and just place it in the hair for the day. Usually the placement is on either side.
It’s no need to worry about the hairstyles you want instantly for your big events, hair extensions can be simple on your own ability, believe it, hair extensions, cool!

Tuesday, 17 July 2012

How to Choose Hair Extensions

Buying the best hair extensions could be a tough task, particularly when finding a shade to fit your hair colour. It may look like you are trying to discover a needle in a hay stack. There is the decision of selecting human or synthetic hair and what sort of attachments you need, not to mention the best place to buy them. With this useful guide, it is possible to understand some suggestions and ideas to finding the best hair extensions.
To start buying best hair extensions, you have to locate a reputable company to buy them from where ensures high quality. This can be achieved by reading reviews on external websites.

You need to decide whether you need synthetic or real human hair. This relies upon the qualities you need from your extensions. Whilst synthetic locks are simpler to style and contains greater hold with regards to curling and straightening, they could become heat damaged and lose their smooth, sleek look. Real hair is more expensive but provides a more natural check out synthetic and will be protected against heat damage through the use of hair protection products.

Choose the colour that appears most much like your overall colour. Should you receive them plus they are slightly dissimilar to what you expected, do not panic. Rather than returning the extensions, you can improvise by dying these to suit your required colour exactly. Alternatively they could be styled to blend with real hair.