Friday, 31 August 2012

Add Hair Length By Hair Extensions

 Human Hair Extensions come in two different styles. There is the strand and there is the
weft. The strands are supposed to look the most natural, but they are much more time
consuming and if you are having it done at a salon, they will be more expensive, too.
Wefts are wider strips of hair and as such, are easier to attach. Hair extensions
come in all the colors of natural hair, though some colors are more plentiful than
others. The handmade type of weft is best.

The wefts you choose should be made of the best quality of hair you can afford. If
you want to look your best, do not use synthetic hair. The “European” hair is good
quality but virgin or “raw” hair is even better because it has never been subjected
to chemical processing. Virgin hair is also the most expensive as it is harder to find.

Hair Wefts are put in by lifting up the top layers of your hair and braiding cornrows in
horizontal lines around your head. The wefts are then woven into the cornrows. When
you pull your natural hair back down over it, you should not be able to tell the
difference between your hair and the hair extensions.

If you are going for an exceptionally long-haired look, you will need more corn rows
and more wefts. If all you need is to add some volume, you will only need a few.
Regardless of how many are used, the size of the corn rows and wefts should vary some
as does the natural way in which your hair grows.

When the job is finished, you can comb your hair over the extensions and consider
your new extensions as part of your natural head of hair. This includes taking care
of the extensions as carefully as you would your own hair.

Thursday, 30 August 2012

Hair Extensions – A Way to Grow Hair Quickly

Have you always wanted to have beautiful long hair but it seemed like you just can’t grow them long enough or take appropriate care? Hair extensions can help you in this matter and grow your hair immediately in the style of your liking. Those hairs can either be made from real human hair or from synthetic materials and are used to prolong or thicken the existing hairs we have. This is a simple and effective way to integrate the latest hair style that is currently in fashion trend. They can instantaneously add the volume or length to your real hair and give your haircut an entirely new appearance.

You simply need to experiment on your own and see what fits you best. Be careful about your decisions and how far you are willing to take the new style of your haircut. Extensions made of real hair require more work to put together so they also sell at higher price. Paying a lot of money only to realize that your decision on hair extensions was somewhat erroneous can put you in a bad mood, because there is no money-back for this type of procedure. Things like that rarely happen though and people usually end up very pleased with their new hairstyle.
Why would you undergo this procedure anyway? Reasons differ from person to person, but mainly adding a volume, length or a whole new shine to your hair is amongst main reasons why hair extensions are considered. On the other hand, some will extend their hair simply to cover up really bad haircut. Before the introduction of this amazing idea, there was no way to deal with your bad hair other than wearing a hat or wearing your hair the way they were. There are also situations when you would want hair extensions made only for special occasions like a prom or a wedding.
Like with anything else, you should take great care with your new hairs and nurture them appropriately. With gentle and regular care, your hair extensions will last from two to four months and sometimes even longer.

Wednesday, 29 August 2012

Beautiful Hairstyles With Hair Extensions

Long, silky, healthy hair can radiate beauty, fitness and youth. A change of hairstyle is often enough to make you look more sophisticated, younger or simply different.

Hair extensions are becoming an increasingly popular way of instantly getting that long beautiful hair some of us can only dream of! Growing your hair long takes 5-6 years at an average of 1 cm per month! Hair extensions can give you around 21 inches of thick hair in just a few hours!

Real human hair extension
Human hair extensions tend to be the preferred kind of hair extensions because they look and feel a lot more natural then the synthetic kind. Also, heat cannot be applied to most synthetic fibers causing some inconvenience if a person needs to use some hair appliances. The downside of human hair extensions is that are usually much more expensive then the synthetic ones! Notwithstanding, there is no fixed price for human hair extensions because this differs according to the quality, style and length of extensions required. Hair extensions that are untreated and uncolored usually cost more because they are more durable.

Beautiful Hairstyles With Hair Extensions

Long, silky, healthy hair can radiate beauty, fitness and youth. A change of hairstyle is often enough to make you look more sophisticated, younger or simply different.

Hair extensions are becoming an increasingly popular way of instantly getting that long beautiful hair some of us can only dream of! Growing your hair long takes 5-6 years at an average of 1 cm per month! Hair extensions can give you around 21 inches of thick hair in just a few hours!
Real human hair extension
Human hair extensions tend to be the preferred kind of hair extensions because they look and feel a lot more natural then the synthetic kind. Also, heat cannot be applied to most synthetic fibers causing some inconvenience if a person needs to use some hair appliances. The downside of human hair extensions is that are usually much more expensive then the synthetic ones! Notwithstanding, there is no fixed price for human hair extensions because this differs according to the quality, style and length of extensions required. Hair extensions that are untreated and uncolored usually cost more because they are more durable.